In Stock Utility & Equipment Trailers
Check out these In Stock Utility & Equipment Trailers now available from J&J, either on our lot or through one of our partners.
Car-Mate Model CM612EC, 6'x12' Sportster
Model CM612EC 6′ X 12′ Sportster Cargo, Brandy Wine Metallic w/Black frame, rear ramp door w/ spring lift, 2 wall vents, LED dome light & wall switch
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2023) Single Axle
- end vin PL00606
Car-Mate Model CM612LS, 6'x12' Liberty Sport
Model CM612LS 6′ X 12′ Liberty Sport Cargo, Crystal White w/Black frame, rear ramp & spring asst. door, 2 wall vents, LED dome light & wall switch
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2023) V-nose
- end vin: PL002988
Car-Mate Model CM712LS, 7'x12' Liberty Sport Cargo
Model CM712LS 7′ X 12′ V-nose Liberty Sport Cargo, Silver Frost Metallic w/Black frame, 2 wall vent, LED dome light w/wall switch, Silver spoke wheels.
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2023)
- end VIN PL002986
Car-Mate model CM174EC-HD, 7'x14' HD Sportster
Model CM714EC-HD 7′ X 14′ Sportster Cargo, Crystal White w/Black frame,TANDEM axles, 2 wall vent, LED dome light w/wall switch, NO ramp door.
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2024) end VIN RL000113
Car-Mate Model CM716CC-HD, 7'x16' Custom Cargo
Model CM716CC-HD, 7′ x 16′ Custom Cargo, CRYSTAL WHITE, TANDEM axles w/rear ramp & spring asst. door, 2 wall vents, LED dome light & wall switch (Model year 2023)
qty 1 on hand
- end vin PL00756
Car-Mate Model CM714CC-HD/CTR, 7' x 14' Custom Cargo with Contractor Package
Model CM714CC-HD/CTR, 7′ x 14′ TANDEN axles, Custom Cargo with Contractor Package #1, Crystal WHITE w/rear ramp & spring asst. door, 6″ extra height, reinforced roof, 110V inlet receptacle, 110V duplex wall receptacle, ladder on front w/ATP on draw doors & 3 aluminum ladder racks. end VIN PL000359
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2023)
Car-Mate Model CM714LS-HD 7'x14' Liberty Sport Cargo
Model CM714LS-HD 7′ X 14′ V-nose TANDEM axles Liberty Sport Cargo, BLACK W/Black frame, rear ramp & spring asst. door, wall vent, LED dome light & wall switch
qty 1 on hand (Model year 2023) VIN#PL000360
Car-Mate Model CM716EC-HD 7'x16' Sportster Cargo
Model CM716EC-HD 7′ x 16′ TANDEM axles, Sportster Cargo, SILVER FROST METALLIC W/Black frame, rear ramp & spring asst. door, 2 wall vents, LED dome light, wall switch and Silver Spoke Wheels. (Model year 2023) end VIN PL002517
qty 1 on hand
Car Mate Model CM716CC-HD
Model CM716CC-HD 7′ x 16′ TANDEM axles, Custom Cargo, BLACK W/Black frame, rear ramp & spring asst. door, 2 wall vents, LED dome light, wall switch. (Model year 2022) end VIN NL004819
qty 1 on hand **PENDING**
Felling FT-16-I
Model FT-16-I Weighs 3,130 lbs. 24′ Overall Length, Low Profile Deck Over, Painted Black
JJTE #425769, qty 2 on hand
Felling FT-16-P
Model FT-16-P Weighs 3,600 lbs. 26′ Overall Length, Low Profile Deck Over, Painted Black
JJTE #425001, qty 1 on hand
Felling FT-12-I
Model FT-12-I Weighs 3,130 lbs. 24′ Overall Length, Low Profile Deck Over, Painted Black
JJTE #425768, qty 2 on hand